Working TogetherAchieving More
Mission Statement

Spring Newsletter 10 [Friday 22nd March]

Dear Parents & Carers

As you know, Mrs Coleman is retiring at the Easter break. I would like to take this opportunity to thank her for all that she has done for Woodlands over the past 17 years; almost 10 of those years as deputy head. A much-valued colleague, Mrs Coleman will be missed by the staff, children & parents at Woodlands. She has been instrumental in shaping Woodlands into the school it is today – not least with the creation, & then expansion, of our nursery. This provision has been transformative for us as a school & is just one example of the dedication Mrs Coleman has shown to Woodlands. As SENDCo, we know that her expertise and the support she has provided to SEND pupils and their families has been so appreciated. On a personal note, I would like to thank Mrs Coleman for all the support she has given me over the years – I have been very lucky to work with her. Everyone at Woodlands would like to wish her all the best for the future – thank you Mrs Coleman, as I wrote earlier, you will be missed!


This week’s ‘nudges’ to find out about your children’s learning are as follows…



Can you remember what Baby got from the market?

{Literacy: Baby Goes to Market}


Reception [Red & Blue]

Can you talk about & explain the changes we see at the start of spring?

{Understanding the World}


Y1&2 [Green, Yellow & Purple]

Can you talk about why it is so important that we brush our teeth to keep them healthy?

{PSHE topic: ‘Keeping Healthy’}


Y3&4 [3A, 3/4M & 4G]

What would be the best material to soundproof a studio for a rock band?

{Science topic: ‘Sound’}


Y5&6 [5D, 5/6P & 6R]

What are the main themes that run through the story ‘holes’ by Louis Sachar?

{English topic: ‘holes’}


This week, our whole school attendance is 93.7% - still below our 97% target. We had no classes with 100% attendance. We have 4 classes equalling or bettering 97%: Red Class (99.1%), Blue Class (98.6%), Yellow Class (99.3%)  & 3/4M (97.7%).  

We only had 4 classes who had no late marks this week: Yellow Class, 3/4M, 5D & 5/6P. We had 22 late marks across the whole school. 21 late mark were ‘before the register closed’ – that’s before 9.20am & 1 late mark ‘after the register has closed’, that’s after 9.20am.


Woodlands governors have asked me to tell you to keep an eye for some exciting news after the weekend!


Don’t forget we break for Easter on Thursday 28th March at 2pm.


I hope you all have a great weekend.


KD Williams



Last word revisited

I got my daughter a fridge for her birthday.

I can’t wait to see her face light up when she opens it…


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Contact Us

Woodlands Primary School

Woodlands Road,
L37 2JN


Call us:

01704 876444

Headteacher | KD Williams

School Business Manager | Ms Roberts

[email protected]

SENCO | Mrs Crilly

[email protected]

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