Working TogetherAchieving More
Mission Statement

Reception 2024 - 2025

Mrs Fortune

Miss Dollery

Welcome to Reception 2024/25

A very warm welcome from all the staff


Mrs Fortune

Mrs Dollery


Teaching Assistants

Mrs Ashcroft

Mrs Dodd

Miss Chilton

Miss Evans



This year our reception classrooms have had a make-over. We are promoting a calm, stimulating environment that encourages the children to be confident and independent learners.


At the end of each week we will update the website with key information about the following week. This may include upcoming activities, events and information about learning opportunities in Reception. Each week we will post activities that you can participate in at home to help your child with their learning. These will be posted in the colour green. We will also inform you of what we will be teaching in mathematics, Literacy and the wider EYFS curriculum. We aim to share lots of photographs and images of children learning so that we can work as a team and promote excellent home-school links.

Web Blogs

Please visit the 'Web Blogs' section below to view lots of photographs and images of the activities that your child has been participating in each week.


Please bring a pair of wellies and a waterproof suit or jacket and trousers into school all clearly labelled. We will be doing 'Outdoor Learning' sessions in our copse each week..

Outdoor trainers should also be brought into school so that we can do the mile run duirng the week. We aim to do the run at least twice a week. A pair of black pumps should also be brought into school for indoor PE sessions. Please could these all be named. On PE days (Wednesdayand friday) the children should come to school in their PE kits. We will change their footwear for each session. These sessions will start on Tuesday 19th September.

Reading books and homework activities

On Mondays and Thursdays the children will need to make sure that their yellow reading diary is in school and has been signed as well as their reading books returned. We will change RWI reading books on Mondays and picture books on Thursdays.. We are promoting a love of reading in Reception and would like you to share the picture books with your child and talk about the characters, settings and key events. 

In the Autumn term we will be sending home speed sound cards from the children to consolidate their learning at home. These should be used daily as flashcards so that the children have quick recall and knowledge of all the single letter sounds and special friends. We will be sending home a bingo grid each half term. This will have a selection of activities, games and ideas that will allow the children to develop and extend their learning at home. We would like you to support your child with these activities. If you wish for your child's work to be celebrated in school we will show and talk about this each week.





Reception: Calendar items

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Woodlands Primary School

Woodlands Road,
L37 2JN


Call us:

01704 876444

Headteacher | KD Williams

School Business Manager | Ms Roberts

[email protected]

SENCO | Mrs Crilly

[email protected]

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