Working TogetherAchieving More
Mission Statement

Autumn Newsletter 10

Dear Parents & Carers

I was worried I wouldn’t get this newsletter out today – it was a wee bit rushed in the end – please forgive any errors.

Thank you again to everyone who filled in the parent survey on Google Forms. I’m still working my way collating your responses for each class but I can give you whole school totals for a few statements. 98.7% of parents agreed with the statement ‘My child is happy at this school’ (with 2 respondents answering ‘Don’t know’). To the statement ‘My child feels safe in this school’, we had 98.7% of parents agreeing, with 2 respondents saying ‘Don’t know’.  To the statement ‘I would recommend this school to another parent’ we had 98.7% of our parents agreeing & 2 responses disagreeing. The survey results are less clear-cut for some of the other statements. For example, we had 92% of parents agreeing with the statement ‘There is a good range of subjects at this school’, two parents disagreed with this & 6.7% of parents answered ‘Don’t know’. In response, we will be contacting the 2 parents who disagreed to find out where they think we could improve. Also, we will have to work harder (or smarter) to inform the parents who don’t know if we teach a wide range subjects in a more effective manner. Once the whole school results are finally collated, I’ll let you know where to find them.

Thank you for all the comments at the end of the survey too – I have passed them on to your child’s class teachers.

I am happy to say we are planning to hold our Christmas productions in front of a real, live audience. I want to give you an early heads-up so that you can make arrangements if needed (you will receive more details nearer the time).

Y1 ‘A Midwife Crisis’ Friday 10th December @9.00am (or as soon as we can get started!)

Y3&4 Christmas Carol Concert Wednesday 15th December @9.00am

Nursery Christmas Extravaganza Monday 20th December in the afternoon (time to be confirmed)

Reception ‘THE GREATEST SNOWMAN’ Tuesday 21st December @9.00am

Here’s his week’s ‘nudges’ to help you start conversations with your children about their learning…


In nursery we have created our own fireworks display. Can you remember the sounds we heard & the colours we saw? How else did we celebrate this week?

{Understanding the World}

Reception [Red & Blue]

How do Hindu’s celebrate the festival of Diwali?

{Understanding the World}

Y1&2 [Green, Yellow & Purple]

What can you tell me about Scotland?

{Geography topic: ‘The British Isles’}

Y3&4 [3A, 3/4M & 4G]

What can you tell me about Julius Caesar’s early life?

{History topic: ‘Ancient Rome’}

Y5&6 [5D, 5/6P & 6R]

Can you name some of the countries in North America?

{Geography topic ‘North America’}

Still no classes achieved 100% in their attendance this week & our overall attendance marooned at 93.2%.

We had 3 classes who had no late marks this week: Yellow, 3/4M & 5D. There were 18 late marks across the whole school.

A reminder from FOWSA. The closing date to receive orders for your child’s Christmas cards is Monday 29th November. All orders are to be placed online & FOWSA need the template back – if possible, please could you check for a name on the back? Packs of cards are priced at £3.50 for 10. You can order more than one pack.

Woodlands’ BBC Children in Need day is on Friday 19th November 2021. The theme our house captains have chosen is Bears! Costumes can range from simple headbands, such as the Pudsey headbands, face paints, or even a full on bear onesie or costume. If you wanted to get really creative your child could dress up as a famous bear. If your child would rather not dress up, then they can bring in a teddy bear instead.  If they are not dressing as a bear, then they should wear school uniform.

I hope you all have a lovely weekend.

KD Williams


Last word

I once went on a date with a girl called Simile…

I don’t know what I metaphor.

Thanks to Tim Vine

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Woodlands Primary School

Woodlands Road,
L37 2JN


Call us:

01704 876444

Headteacher | KD Williams

School Business Manager | Ms Roberts

[email protected]

SENCO | Mrs Crilly

[email protected]

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